How to Identify Different Types of Cockroaches
Accurately identifying the type of cockroach infesting your home or business is crucial for effective pest control. This guide will help you determine which species you're dealing with based on their appearance, habitat, and behavior. Generally, cockroaches are categorized into two groups: indoor roaches and outdoor (exterior) roaches.
Outdoor Roaches
Outdoor roaches primarily nest outside, while indoor roaches nest inside. The methods and tactics for controlling these two groups are quite different. Exterior roaches are mainly managed through regular pest control services applied to the exterior of your home. Due to the abundance of roaches in our area, it's essential to maintain a constant barrier of protection around your property. Here are the exterior roaches we commonly deal with:
- American Cockroaches
- Oriental Cockroaches
- Turkestan Cockroaches
Indoor Roaches
As you'd expect, indoor roaches primarily live and nest inside. These roaches rely on humans to survive, feeding on crumbs and leftovers. They often travel with people, hitchhiking to new locations. They can easily move from room to room and between connected dwellings like apartments and duplexes. These types of roaches can be eliminated with our specialized roach services. Our interior roach control program requires two treatments performed 30 days apart for complete control. However, if adjacent dwellings are left untreated or new roaches are introduced, the infestation process can start over. Here are the indoor roaches we commonly deal with:
- German Cockroaches
- Brown-Banded Cockroaches
Next Steps
Check out the photos and details of these roaches to get a better idea of what you're up against. If you'd like assistance with these roaches or any other pest issues you're dealing with, please give us a call!
Cockroach Identification

German Cockroach
These roaches are only found inside of a home. They require food and water, and cannot survive in the outdoors.
German roaches can be found in any room in the home. But an infestation will start in the kitchens & bathrooms.
These roaches generally stay indoors.
Common Signs Of Infestation
German cockroaches like warm, humid places near food and water. They are often found in kitchens and bathrooms in homes and businesses. You might see their droppings, which look like small, dark pepper specks, on countertops or in drawers. There can also be dark smears or spots in room corners, on top of doors, or near cracks in walls. When there are many cockroaches, you might notice a mild, musty smell.
Services Needs
German Roach control requires a specialty service to gain control with requires treating the interior of the home with an IGR (insect growth regulator) as well as the use of baits.
In order to prepare for this service you must follow our preparation instructions.

American Cockroach
American Cockroaches are attracted to cool & humid areas around your home.
Kitchens, Bathrooms, Basements, Laundry Areas and Garages
flowerbeds, yard irrigation/water meter boxes, sewer/drainage systems, under
Common Signs Of Infestation
When you see any of these roaches in any of the various developmental stages.
Services Needs
American cockroaches require a year round pest control service since they are incredibly abundant in our area and the only means of control is to protect your individual property.
Remove any loose unnecessary items up off of the ground in preparation for treatment.

Oriental Cockroach
Oriental Cockroaches are attracted to cool & humid areas around your home
Garages, bathrooms & kitchens
flowerbeds, yard irrigation/water meter boxes, sewer/drainage systems, under items that can keep the ground moist
Common Signs Of Infestation
When you see any of these roaches in any of the various developmental stages.
Services Needs
Oriental Cockroaches require a year round pest control service since they are incredibly abundant in our area and the only means of control is to protect your individual property.
Remove any loose unnecessary items up off of the ground in preparation for treatment.

Turkistan Cockroach
Turkistan Cockroaches are attracted to cool & humid areas around your home.
Kitchens, Bathrooms, Basements, Laundry Areas and Garages
flowerbeds, yard irrigation/water meter boxes, sewer/drainage systems, under anything that can hold moisture.
Common Signs Of Infestation
Males are tawny brown in color with wings extending beyond the tip of the abdomen. Females are dark brown with pale stripes on the outer edge of their reduced wings. The picture above is a male. The females look very similar to the Oriental Roaches.
Services Needs
Turkistan Cockroaches require a year round pest control service since they are incredibly abundant in our area and the only means of control is to protect your individual property.
Remove any loose unnecessary items up off of the ground in preparation for treatment.

Brown Banded Cockroach
Brown-banded cockroaches prefer warm, dry areas above 80 degrees
Brown Banded Cockroaches are often found in higher locations like upper cabinets in kitchens and bathrooms, and near ceilings. They hide egg cases in or under furniture and live among electronic equipment, avoiding water and bright light. Their small size and brown color help them blend into their surroundings, making them hard to spot. Being nocturnal, they are most active at night but can also be seen during the day searching for food. If disturbed, males will fly while females will run away.
These roaches generally stay indoors.
Common Signs Of Infestation
Brown-banded cockroach infestations can be hard to see. One clue is their droppings, which look like black specks or smears and are found where they spend a lot of time, like in cabinets or around ceiling lights.
Another clue is the egg cases left by female roaches. These yellowish cases are less than 5mm long and often found under furniture. Sometimes you can even see the baby roaches inside.
The most common sign is actually seeing the cockroaches themselves. If you find one, it's important to check for more because there are probably others nearby.
Services Needs
German Roach control requires a specialty service to gain control with requires treating the interior of the home with an IGR (insect growth regulator) as well as the use of baits.
In order to prepare for this service you must follow our preparation instructions.
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Our team of seasoned pest specialists is committed to ensuring a home that is free from pests for your peace of mind.