Quick Identification Guide: Do You Have Bed Bugs?
Bed Bugs must be identified by their physical presence. We must have a 100% positive ID on these bugs before we will treat. The only criteria we can use to know with certainty that you are in fact dealing with bed bugs is to perform a physical inspection.
Check for Physical Signs
- Bites on Skin: Bed bug bites typically appear as small, red, itchy welts. They are often found in a line or cluster and commonly appear on exposed skin areas such as the arms, neck, face, and legs.
- Reddish Stains on Sheets: Small blood stains on sheets, pillowcases, or mattresses can be a sign of bed bugs. These stains may occur from crushed bugs after feeding.
Look for Bed Bugs or Evidence of Their Presence
- Visual Inspection: Bed bugs are small, reddish-brown insects, about the size of an apple seed (5-7 mm). They have flat, oval bodies and are usually more active at night.
- Bed Bug Exoskeletons: As bed bugs grow, they shed their skin. Look for these exoskeletons, which appear as translucent, empty shells, around the seams of mattresses, bed frames, and other hiding spots.
- Eggs and Eggshells: Bed bug eggs are tiny, white, and oval-shaped. They are usually found in clusters and are sticky, often adhering to surfaces.
- Dark Spots or Fecal Stains: Bed bug excrement leaves small, dark spots or smears on mattresses, sheets, and walls. These spots are digested blood and may bleed into the fabric like ink.
Inspect Common Hiding Places
- Mattresses and Box Springs: Check along the seams, piping, and tags of mattresses and box springs. Bed bugs also hide in the cracks and crevices of bed frames and headboards.
- Furniture: Inspect upholstered furniture, especially along seams and under cushions.
- Wall and Floor Junctions: Bed bugs can hide in cracks in walls, behind baseboards, under wallpaper, and inside electrical outlets.
Differentiate from Other Pests
- Fleas: Fleas are smaller, dark brown, and have long hind legs for jumping. They are often found on pets and tend to bite lower on the body.
- Mites: Mites are tiny and usually require magnification to be seen. They cause general itching rather than specific bite marks.
- Carpet Beetles: Carpet beetles are often mistaken for bed bugs. They are small, round, and can be various colors. They do not bite but can cause skin irritation.

Carpet Beetles
Found around a home, especially around baseboard where the larvae will feed on hair/skin debris
Common carpet beetle females will come indoors to lay her eggs. Most people who have issues with common carpet beetle larvae have pets and need to vacuums the edges of their carpet, or deep clean their beds. Carpet beetle Larva thrive on pet hair and people hair.
Adult common carpet beetles live outdoors, feeding on pollen and nectar
Common Signs Of Infestation
Most people do not realize they have an issues
Services Needs

Bat Bugs
Similar to bed bugs, feeds on bats
Near bat roosts, on bats, occasionally in human dwellings
Bat roosting sites, eaves, and attics
Common Signs Of Infestation
Itchy bites, visible bugs near roosting areas
Services Needs
Bat Removal & Specialty Treatment
Follow Instructions

Mosquitoes are flying insects known for biting and feeding on the blood of humans and animals. They are vectors for various diseases, such as malaria, dengue, and Zika.
May enter homes through open windows and doors, typically staying near sources of standing water or in cool, shaded areas.
Common around standing water sources like ponds, puddles, marshes, old tires and containers. They can also be found in tall grass and wooded areas.
Common Signs Of Infestation
Presence of adult mosquitoes, itchy bites, larvae (wrigglers) in standing water.
Services Needs
Specialized mosquito control treatments, including source reduction and fogging will help drastically reduce a mosquito population.
Remove standing water from containers, clean gutters, and use window and door screens to prevent entry. Consider using insect repellents and mosquito nets.

Fleas are parasitic insects that feed on the blood of mammals and birds. Their breeding sites are generally where the host animal spends a lot of time.
Found in carpets, bedding, furniture, and pet areas, especially where pets sleep.
Commonly found in shaded areas, under porches, in tall grass, and where pets rest or roam.
Common Signs Of Infestation
Itching and scratching in pets, flea dirt (black specks), and small, reddish bites on humans or pets.
Services Needs
Requires specialized flea control treatment, often including pet treatment and household disinfestation.
Vacuum carpets and furniture thoroughly, wash pet bedding, and treat pets with veterinarian-approved flea control products.

Bed Bugs
Bedbugs are found where people in the home spend the most of their time.
On the inside of the home the bedbugs will be found primarily near beds, couches and chairs.
Bed Bugs are not found outside, however have been known to occasionally infest vehicles that are slept in.
Common Signs Of Infestation
Bed bugs can infest your home by traveling on clothes, linens, and luggage. If they get on bed sheets and aren't removed, they will spread.
You can identify bed bugs by small reddish-brown spots on mattresses, furniture, or walls. Bites on your arms and legs are also a sign. These bites can be itchy and may take two to three days to show up, giving bed bugs time to spread.
Other signs of bed bugs include seeing their shed skins, eggs, empty eggshells, or the bugs themselves. These things are small but visible to the naked eye. Shed skins and eggshells look pale white.
Services Needs
Bed Bugs require a specialty service that is outside the scope of a standard general pest control service. Controlling bed bugs is a very labor intensive service that only our highest trained team members can accomplish.
In order to prepare for this service you must follow our preparation instructions.
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