Quick Identification Guide: Worms in the Kitchen

Identify the Type of "Worms"

  • Pantry Moth Larvae (Indian Meal Moth Larvae): These larvae are small, about 1/2 inch long, and creamy-white with a brown head. They often appear near stored food products.
  • Grain Beetle Larvae: These larvae are also small, white or yellowish, and can be found in dry food items like flour, cereal, and pasta.
  • Fruit Fly Larvae: Tiny, white, and often found in overripe or decaying fruits and vegetables.
  • Maggots: Maggots are the larvae of flies and are often found in decaying organic matter, including garbage. They are typically white and legless.

Check for Physical Evidence

  • Pantry Moth Larvae:
    • Webbing and Silken Tunnels: Look for silky webbing and tunnels in food packaging, especially in grains, nuts, and cereals.
    • Cocoons: Small, web-like cocoons may be found in corners of pantry shelves or food containers.
  • Grain Beetle Larvae:
    • Damaged Food Packages: Look for small holes or tears in packaging and fine powdery residue from infested products.
    • Live Larvae: You may see small larvae in flour, grains, or cereal.
  • Fruit Fly Larvae:
    • Presence of Overripe Fruit: Larvae may be found in or near fruit that is overripe or decaying.
    • Moist Organic Matter: Check for larvae in moist areas, such as garbage disposals, sink drains, or compost bins.
  • Maggots:
    • Garbage: Larvae will emerge from trash cans that are in need of the waste to be removed.
    • Dead/Decaying Animal: There may be a rodent or animal that has expired in the walls

Inspect Common Infestation Areas

  • Pantry and Storage Areas: Check all dry food storage areas, including unopened packages, for signs of infestation. Pay special attention to items that have been stored for a long time.
  • Kitchen Counters and Sinks: Inspect for food debris or spills that may attract pests.
  • Fruit Bowls and Trash Cans: Overripe fruits and improperly sealed trash cans can attract pests.

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